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Shadowbox 林中度假屋
The Ranch Mine


在美国蒙大拿西北部崎岖的地形中, Shadowbox如一道大胆的建筑宣言崛起,巧妙地将当代奢华与原始荒野融为一体。这座由The Ranch Mine设计的引人注目的度假屋,在加拿大边境以南重新定义了山林度假生活的概念。












团队 – 成立于2010年的美国The Ranch Mine建筑设计事务所,已成为当代住宅建筑领域的先锋力量之一,尤其在美国西南部脱颖而出。在首席建筑师Cavin Costello和首席执行官Claire Costello这对充满活力的搭档领导下,这家总部位于凤凰城的事务所凭借其创新的、因地制宜的设计而赢得广泛赞誉,其作品与自然环境完美融合。


The Ranch Mine的作品集展现了他们对可持续性和环境响应型建筑的坚定承诺,为他们赢得了众多荣誉。他们的作品在2019年和2023年获得HGTV年度设计师大奖,并在2015年被美国建筑师协会评为"建筑界的未来"。该事务所的项目已被Dwell、Dezeen和Luxe Magazine等知名刊物报道,凸显了他们在当代住宅设计领域的影响力。


Cavin和Claire Costello的设计方法将严谨的建筑专业知识与对当地材料、气候和文化背景的深刻理解相结合。他们的设计常常为具有挑战性的环境提供创新解决方案,尤其是在干旱地区,展现了对被动式太阳能原理和可持续建筑实践的精准把握。


The Ranch Mine的成功反映在他们获得的大量奖项中,包括多次荣获Houzz最佳设计奖、金块奖(Gold Nugget Awards),以及频繁出现在全国媒体报道中。他们的作品持续推动住宅建筑的边界,打造出不仅视觉上引人注目,而且与环境和居住者生活方式深度连接的家园。




Project - Nestled in the breathtaking wilderness of Northwest Montana, 'Shadowbox' emerges as a striking architectural marvel that seamlessly blends modern luxury with the raw beauty of its surroundings. Designed by Montana Architect Cavin Costello of The Ranch Mine, this retreat in Whitefish offers a unique sanctuary just an hour south of the Canadian border.


The residence's design draws inspiration from the glacial valleys of nearby Glacier National Park, with its silhouette mirroring the crisscrossing mountains. The exterior, clad in black standing seam metal siding with varying rib patterns, echoes the texture of pine tree bark and casts shadows that blend with the forest, creating a dramatic contrast against the lush landscape.


A recessed entry clad in warm hemlock breaks the dark facade, offering a welcoming threshold and shelter from the elements. The covered patio, complete with a sauna, fire pit, and sunken hot tub, exemplifies the design's focus on communing with nature.

Notably, 'Shadowbox' addresses the challenges of its Wildfire-Urban Interface location through thoughtful design choices. These include a Class A metal roof assembly, non-combustible siding, and WUI-compliant decking, demonstrating a commitment to safety without compromising aesthetics.


Inside, a soaring 25-foot ceiling in the great room, coupled with panoramic windows, creates an immersive experience akin to a snow globe in winter. This innovative approach to luxury living in the heart of Montana's wilderness sets 'Shadowbox' apart as a testament to harmonious integration of architecture and nature.


Design Team - Founded in 2010, The Ranch Mine has emerged as a pioneering force in contemporary residential architecture, particularly in the American Southwest. Led by the dynamic duo of Cavin Costello, Principal Architect, and Claire Costello, Chief Executive, this Phoenix-based firm has garnered widespread acclaim for its innovative, site-specific designs that seamlessly integrate with their natural surroundings.


The Ranch Mine's portfolio showcases a commitment to sustainable, context-responsive architecture that has earned them numerous accolades. Their work has been recognized by HGTV's Designer of the Year awards in 2019 and 2023, and they were named "The Future of Architecture" by the American Institute of Architects in 2015. The firm's projects have been featured in prestigious publications such as Dwell, Dezeen, and Luxe Magazine, highlighting their influence on contemporary residential design.


Cavin and Claire Costello's approach combines rigorous architectural expertise with a deep appreciation for local materials, climate, and cultural context. Their designs often feature innovative responses to challenging environments, particularly in arid regions, demonstrating a keen understanding of passive solar principles and sustainable building practices.


The Ranch Mine's success is reflected in their extensive list of awards, including multiple Best of Houzz recognitions, Gold Nugget Awards, and features in national media. Their work continues to push the boundaries of residential architecture, creating homes that are not only visually striking but also deeply connected to their environment and occupants' lifestyles.

3488 ft²

Whitefish, USA


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