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Tinyleaf 户外小屋


项目 – 坐落于梅索谷(Methow Valley)腹地的"珍叶小屋"(Tinyleaf Cabin)是GO'C建筑事务所在紧凑居住和可持续设计方面的杰作。这座15英尺×22英尺的前哨站巧妙地依山而建,作为未来开发的先驱,让业主能比传统建筑方式更早地享受到这里壮丽的景观和全年的休闲机会。










团队 –  GO'C是一家诞生于美国太平洋西北地区的获奖建筑设计工作室,自成立以来一直致力于推动富有表现力的本土化建筑设计的边界。由创始合伙人Jon Gentry和Aimée O'Carroll领衔,这家事务所将实用主义与想象力巧妙融合,打造出一系列深度契合环境的场地特定作品。




该工作室的作品以其触感性著称,通过对场地、材料和工艺的深入研究来指导概念探索。从备受赞誉的Tinyleaf小屋到创新的Mini Mart City Park项目,GO'C始终呈现出形式与功能完美平衡的杰作。


核心团队包括合伙人Jon Gentry和Aimée O'Carroll,以及建筑师Max Hunold和设计师Wenya Zhao。GO'C持续培养协作式的设计理念,他们的方法既严谨又大胆,将富有创意的想法转化为切实可行的方案,服务于客户、社区和自然景观。


Project - Nestled in the heart of the Methow Valley, Tinyleaf Cabin by GO'C is a masterclass in compact living and sustainable design. This 15'x22' outpost, ingeniously bermed into the hillside, serves as a precursor to future development, allowing the client to embrace the site's dramatic views and year-round recreational opportunities sooner than traditional building approaches would permit.


The cabin's design is a testament to the power of contextual architecture, seamlessly blending with its surroundings through carefully chosen materials that age gracefully. Steel cladding and concrete walls echo the natural palette of the landscape, ensuring Tinyleaf appears as if it has always been part of the site, regardless of the season.


What sets Tinyleaf apart is its innovative approach to space utilization. The interior, reminiscent of a ship's cabin, is a marvel of efficiency. Every inch is maximized through clever storage solutions and multi-functional elements, from a raised bed with concealed drawers to pull-out pantry panels. This thoughtful design allows the small footprint to feel surprisingly spacious and livable.


The cabin's connection to the outdoors is paramount, with large glazed sliding doors on the south facade inviting the landscape in. A flat roof doubles as a deck space while providing thermal benefits by retaining snow in winter. A linear skylight washes the rear wall with natural light, further blurring the lines between inside and out.


Tinyleaf Cabin stands as a beacon of minimalist luxury, proving that with intelligent design, even the smallest spaces can offer comfort, functionality, and a deep connection to nature.


Design Team - Founded in the Pacific Northwest, GO'C is an award-winning architecture and design studio that has been pushing the boundaries of contextual and expressive architecture since its inception. Led by founding partners Jon Gentry and Aimée O'Carroll, the firm brings together a unique blend of practicality and imagination to create site-specific works that enrich their surroundings.


GO'C's portfolio spans residential, commercial, and arts-focused civic spaces, with each project demonstrating a deep commitment to rational design fused with artistic expression. Their process is rooted in a democratic approach, fostering collective exploration and challenging conventional hierarchies. This ethos has led to numerous accolades, including the AIA Northwest and Pacific Region Emerging Firm Award in 2018.


The studio's work is characterized by its tactile nature, with a close study of site, material, and craft guiding their conceptual exploration. From the award-winning Tinyleaf Cabin to the innovative Mini Mart City Park, GO'C consistently delivers projects that showcase a masterful balance of form and function.


With a core team that includes partners Jon Gentry and Aimée O'Carroll, along with architect Max Hunold and designer Wenya Zhao, GO'C continues to cultivate a collaborative design ethos. Their approach is as rigorous as it is daring, turning brave ideas into tangible realities that serve clients, communities, and landscapes alike.

8 m²

Mazama,United States


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