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Triplex Fabre 住宅
Atelier l'Abri


项目 – 在蒙特利尔充满活力的小劳里埃社区(Petit Laurier)中心,Atelier l'Abri建筑事务所的Triplex Fabre项目为这座城市具有标志性的建筑遗产注入了新的生命力。这个跨代居住的翻新项目巧妙地保留了该地区特色复式和三层公寓的精髓,同时为城市生活引入了现代风格。




Atelier l'Abri对材料统一性的关注在整个项目中显而易见。引人注目的勃艮第红外立面向周边建筑风格致敬,而室内空间则采用更加柔和的色调,为其跨代家庭创造了一个宁静的避风港。背立面加大的开口和宽敞的阳台模糊了内外界限,为每个单元提供了私密的户外休憩空间。


Triplex Fabre项目成为协作设计的典范,家庭成员积极参与其中。这种个人参与不仅使住宅尊重城市环境,还深刻反映了居住者的需求和愿望,为密集城市环境中的跨代居住设立了新标准。



团队 – 成立于2013年的Atelier L'Abri已迅速成为加拿大蒙特利尔建筑界的一支开拓性力量。这家多学科建筑事务所由一群充满活力的建筑师和设计师领导,凭借其对可持续发展和以人为本的设计理念,在业界开辟了独特的一席之地。




Atelier L'Abri与众不同之处在于其整合的设计-建造方法。通过姊妹公司Construction Modulor,他们提供从初始概念到最终执行的全方位服务。设计与施工的这种协同效应使项目交付更加明智、高效和连贯。





Project -

In the heart of Montreal's vibrant Petit Laurier neighborhood, Atelier l'Abri's Triplex Fabre project breathes new life into the city's iconic architectural heritage. This multigenerational renovation masterfully preserves the essence of the area's characteristic duplexes and triplexes while introducing a contemporary twist to urban living.


The project's standout feature is its thoughtful reinterpretation of traditional Montreal apartment layouts. By minimizing private spaces like bedrooms and bathrooms, the architects have created expansive, light-filled living areas that foster a sense of openness and fluidity. This innovative approach challenges conventional spatial hierarchies, prioritizing communal zones and seamlessly blending indoor and outdoor living.


Atelier l'Abri's attention to material cohesion is evident throughout the project. The striking burgundy-red façade pays homage to the neighborhood's architectural vocabulary, while the interior spaces adopt a more subdued palette, creating a serene sanctuary for its multigenerational inhabitants. The rear façade's enlarged openings and generous balconies blur the boundaries between inside and out, offering each unit a private outdoor retreat.


The Triplex Fabre project stands as a testament to collaborative design, with family members actively participating in its creation. This personal involvement has resulted in a home that not only respects its urban context but also intimately reflects the needs and aspirations of its occupants, setting a new standard for multigenerational living in dense urban environments.


Design Team - Founded in 2013, Atelier L'Abri has rapidly established itself as a pioneering force in Montreal's architectural landscape. This multidisciplinary firm, led by a dynamic team of architects and designers, has carved out a unique niche in the industry with its holistic approach to sustainable, human-centric design.


Atelier L'Abri's portfolio spans residential, commercial, and urban installation projects, showcasing their versatility and innovative spirit. The firm's design philosophy is rooted in the belief that architecture should not only respect its context and environment but actively contribute to improving quality of life. This ethos is evident in their meticulous attention to scale, materiality, and spatial flow.


What sets Atelier L'Abri apart is their integrated design-build approach. Through their sister company, Construction Modulor, they offer a comprehensive service from initial concept to final execution. This synergy between design and construction allows for a more informed, efficient, and cohesive project delivery.


The firm's commitment to sustainability goes beyond mere rhetoric. They actively promote and implement eco-friendly design standards that prioritize occupant well-being without compromising architectural quality. Their projects serve as testaments to the harmonious coexistence of aesthetics, environmental responsibility, and human comfort.

280 m²

Montreal, Canada


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