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KPMB Architects

KPMB Architects


KPMB建筑事务所成立于1987年,总部位于加拿大多伦多,三十多年来已成为可持续和社会责任设计领域的先锋,彻底重塑了建筑景观。这家享誉国际的加拿大事务所由创始合伙人Bruce Kuwabara, Marianne McKenna,以及 Shirley Blumberg领导,斩获超过400项声望卓著的奖项,其中包括18项总督勋章。

Founded in 1987, KPMB Architects has emerged as a vanguard in sustainable and socially responsible design, reshaping the architectural landscape for over three decades. This internationally acclaimed Canadian practice, led by founding partners Bruce Kuwabara, Marianne McKenna, and Shirley Blumberg, has garnered over 400 prestigious accolades, including 18 Governor General's Medals.

Omar Gandhi Architects

Omar Gandhi Architects


Omar Gandhi Architects(OGA),成立于2010年,短短十余年间已跻身全球建筑设计的翘楚行列。该事务所的作品横跨创新住宅、城市更新到大型公共工程等多个领域,始终站在加拿大当代建筑设计的最前沿,荣获众多国际殊荣,彰显其卓越实力。

Founded in 2010, Omar Gandhi Architects (OGA) has rapidly established itself as a vanguard in contemporary Canadian architecture. With design studios in Toronto and Halifax, the firm has cultivated a portfolio that spans from innovative residential projects to large-scale public works, each embodying a unique dialogue between site-specificity and architectural ingenuity.

Informal Design

Informal Design



Founded in Shenzhen, Informal Design has rapidly emerged as a vanguard in architectural and spatial design since its inception. This dynamic studio, led by a team of young, forward-thinking designers, has carved out a distinctive niche in the industry with its unconventional approach to creative problem-solving.




LARGE [medium] design office设计事务所(简称LARGEmdo)成立于2012年,迅速成为加拿大建筑设计行业的先锋,不断推动跨学科实践的边界。这家位于加拿大多伦多的精品事务所在整合建筑、室内设计、景观建筑和城市规划方面取得了重大进展,形成了一套完整的设计理念。

In the heart of Toronto, a three-story Edwardian semi-detached home has been transformed into a masterpiece of contemporary design while respecting its historical roots. The doubleMint House, a project by [architect's name], seamlessly integrates a two-storey rear addition with the existing structure, creating a living space that is both functional and aesthetically striking.

Atelier l'Abri

Atelier l'Abri


成立于2013年的Atelier L'Abri已迅速成为加拿大蒙特利尔建筑界的一支开拓性力量。这家多学科建筑事务所由一群充满活力的建筑师和设计师领导,凭借其对可持续发展和以人为本的设计理念,在业界开辟了独特的一席之地。

In the heart of Montreal's vibrant Petit Laurier neighborhood, Atelier l'Abri's Triplex Fabre project breathes new life into the city's iconic architectural heritage. This multigenerational renovation masterfully preserves the essence of the area's characteristic duplexes and triplexes while introducing a contemporary twist to urban living.





Founded in 1989, Snøhetta has emerged as a global leader in transdisciplinary design, seamlessly integrating architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, and various other creative disciplines. This Oslo-based firm, named after a prominent Norwegian mountain, has built its reputation on a foundation of environmental sensitivity and cultural engagement.

Ayutt and Associates design

Ayutt and Associates design


Ayutt and Associates design (AAd)由建筑师Ayutt Mahasom于2004年在泰国创立,如今已成为泰国乃至亚太地区领先的多元化设计事务所。在近20年的发展历程中,AAd始终致力于为各类项目提供创新且因地制宜的建筑解决方案。

Ayutt and Associates design (AAd), founded in 2004 by visionary architect Ayutt Mahasom, has established itself as a leading multidisciplinary design firm in Thailand and the Asia Pacific region. With nearly two decades of experience, AAd has consistently delivered innovative and context-sensitive architectural solutions across a diverse portfolio of projects.

Splyce Design

Splyce Design


成立于2001年的Splyce Design,已然成为加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华市的先锋建筑设计事务所之一,以其精致的现代美学和一丝不苟的细节处理而广受好评。事务所由加拿大建筑师Nigel Parish创立并领衔,以其巧妙融合形式与功能的空间设计理念进行创作。

In a stunning revival of West Coast modernism, the reDEW House in West Vancouver stands as a testament to thoughtful architectural renovation. This 5,900 sq ft beachfront residence, originally designed by Daniel Evan White in 1969, has been meticulously reimagined to honor its roots while embracing contemporary living.




成立于2004年的NatureHumaine是一家位于加拿大蒙特利尔的建筑设计事务所,在魁北克的建筑界迅速崛起,成为创新设计的标杆。在首席合伙人Stéphane Rasselet的带领下,该事务所以创造沉浸式、精心打造的空间而闻名,巧妙地将建筑匠心与环保意识融为一体。

Founded in 2004, NatureHumaine is a Montreal-based architectural practice that has rapidly established itself as a beacon of innovative design in Quebec's architectural landscape. Led by principal partner Stéphane Rasselet, the firm has cultivated a reputation for creating immersive, thoughtfully crafted spaces that seamlessly blend architectural ingenuity with environmental consciousness.

Flad Architects

Flad Architects


自1927年创立以来, Flad Architects一直是建筑创新设计的领军力量,不断重新定义综合规划和设计的格局。这家国际化设计事务所凭借近百年的辉煌历史,持续推动着各个领域人类潜能提升环境的设计边界。在总裁兼首席执行官劳拉·塞雷宾(Laura Serebin)的领导下,Flad Architects在设计尖端医疗设施、世界级教育机构和创新科研中心方面巩固了其领先地位。

As a leading force in architectural innovation since its founding in 1927, Flad Architects has continually redefined the landscape of integrated planning and design. With a century-long legacy, this national firm has consistently pushed the boundaries of creating environments that enhance human potential across various sectors. Under the leadership of President and CEO Laura Serebin, AIA, LEED AP, Flad has solidified its position at the forefront of designing cutting-edge healthcare facilities, world-class educational institutions, and innovative scientific research centers.




PARTISANS建筑设计事务所,由Alex Josephson和Pooya Baktash于2012年在多伦多创立,迅速崛起为加拿大最具创新精神和突破性的建筑工作室之一。目前由Josephson领导的这家事务所,凭借其前卫大胆的设计理念,将尖端科技与艺术视野完美融合,赢得了国际声誉。

PARTISANS, founded in 2012 by Alex Josephson and Pooya Baktash, has rapidly emerged as one of Toronto's most innovative and boundary-pushing architecture studios. Currently led by Josephson, the firm has garnered international acclaim for its avant-garde approach to design, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with artistic vision.

Kadre Architects

Kadre Architects


成立于2022年的Kadre建筑事务所,由美国建筑师Nerin Kadribegovic创立,总部位于加州帕萨迪纳市,是社会意识建筑设计领域的先锋。这家新锐设计事务所迅速确立了自身在应对复杂城市挑战方面的领导地位,尤其在住房危机和环境可持续性领域表现突出。

Kadre Architects, founded in 2022 by Nerin Kadribegovic, FAIA, IIDA, is a Pasadena-based firm at the forefront of socially conscious architectural design. Emerging as a catalyst for change, the practice has quickly established itself as a leader in addressing complex urban challenges, particularly in the realm of housing crises and environmental sustainability.

Kariouk Architects

Kariouk Architects


加拿大Kariouk Architects成立于2001年,已然成为加拿大建筑设计界的一支生机勃勃的力量。在主创建筑师保罗·卡里欧克(Paul Kariouk)的带领下,这家从纽约迁至渥太华的事务所,以其量身定制、以客户为中心的设计方案而声名鹊起,其作品风格多样,难以简单归类。

Founded in 2001, Kariouk Architects has established itself as a dynamic force in the architectural landscape of Ottawa and beyond. Led by Principal Architect Paul Kariouk, who transitioned from New York City to Ottawa, the firm has cultivated a reputation for bespoke, client-centric design solutions that defy stylistic pigeonholing.

ZIVY Architects

ZIVY Architects


ZIVY ARCHITECTS由Loh Zixu和Evy Sutjahjo于2019年在新加坡创立,秉承着通过严谨探索和对细节的关注,才能创造出卓越的设计理念。这家公司的设计过程中,会广泛召开设计研讨会,把原本平凡无奇的设计需求转化为充满个性和实用性的非凡空间。

Founded in 2019 by Loh Zixu and Evy Sutjahjo, ZIVY Architects is a Singapore-based practice guided by the belief that great design emerges through rigorous exploration and a keen attention to detail. The firm's collaborative approach places inclusive design sessions at the heart of every project, transforming briefs from ordinary to extraordinary.

Society of Architecture

Society of Architecture


Society of Architecture (SoA)是2010年在首尔创立的充满活力的建筑设计团队,正逐步打破建筑设计的界限。这个年轻团队由姜叙麟和李智勋两位主理人带领,他们以调查研究的方式出发,深入分析建筑与城市主义的社会环境,从中汲取灵感,实践多元且跨尺度的创作。

- Founded in 2010 in Seoul, Society of Architecture (SoA) is a dynamic collective pushing the boundaries of architectural practice. Led by principals Yerin Kang and Chihoon Lee, this young firm takes an investigative approach, analyzing the social conditions of architecture and urbanism to inform their diverse, multi-scalar

Kawakubo Tomoyasu

Kawakubo Tomoyasu


川久保智康建筑设计事务所成立于 2005 年,总部位于东京,凭借其创新的住 宅和商业项目设计,在业内赢得了广泛赞誉。该事务所由首席建筑师川久保智康领衔, 将新颖的创意完美地注入每个设计委托当中。

Founded in 2005, Kawakubo Tomoyasu Architecture & Associates is a Tokyo-based architectural firm making waves with their innovative residential and commercial projects. Led by principal architect Tomoyasu Kawakubo, a first-class certified architect, the firm's tight-knit team approaches each commission with fresh creative energy. Kawakubo cut his teeth at the renowned Isozaki Arata & Associates before branching out on his own in 2002. His mastery of spatial planning and keen eye for detail shine through in designs that maximize functionality while expressing a distinct aesthetic vision.

MORE Architecture

MORE Architecture


在阿姆斯特丹和上海两地联动的MORE Architecture建筑事务所,是一家于2013年由荷兰建筑师Daan Roggeveen和华裔美籍建筑师Robert Chen创立的研究导向型设计实践工作室。该工作室跨建筑、室内设计和城市规划战略等多个领域,采用多元化融合的设计手法。其在两地办公室均拥有精干的高水平建筑师和设计师团队,专注于打造经过深思熟虑且可持续发展的环境。

Based in Amsterdam and Shanghai, MORE Architecture is a researchdriven design practice founded in 2013 by Dutch architect Daan Roggeveen and Chinese-American architect Robert Chen. The studio takes an interdisciplinary approach that spans architecture, interior design, and urban planning and strategy.

Ateliers O-S architectes

Ateliers O-S architectes


Ateliers O-S architectes始于2007年,三位合伙人Vincent Baur、Guillaume Colboc 和 Gaël Le Nouëne曾在鹿特丹的OMA和West8事务所历练。该事务所追求一种新手工艺方式风格,精心掌控从构思到实施的整个设计建造过程。他们的作品遍布法国,包括公共设施、社会住房和文化场馆等。作品的特色在于精准把握尺度,促进社会互动,体现空间的谦逊有礼。

Founded in 2007 after formative experiences at OMA and West8 in Rotterdam, Ateliers O-S architectes is a Paris-based practice helmed by partners Vincent Baur, Guillaume Colboc, and Gaël Le Nouëne. The firm embraces a neo-artisanal approach, consciously mastering the entire design and construction process from conception through execution.





Founded in 2018, Atelier Li is a Shanghai-based architectural practice led by principals Li Bai and Li Xuan. Their design approach seamlessly integrates contemporary lifestyles with natural Oriental atmospheres across architectural, interior, and landscape projects. Through a modern architectural language, they strive to create spaces that promote comfortable, nature-inspired living while emphasizing the importance of public realms in today's society.





Founded in 2013 by TANG Kangshuo and ZHANG Miao, MAT Office has rapidly established itself as a formidable presence in the architectural design industry. Initially based in Rotterdam and relocating to Beijing in 2015, the firm has garnered international recognition for its innovative approach to urban challenges and emerging societal phenomena.

Keiji Ashizawa Design

Keiji Ashizawa Design


芦沢启治建筑设计事务所(Keiji Ashizawa Design),由芦沢启治于2005年创立,已然成为东京蓬勃发展的建筑设计行业中的一颗明珠。这家多元化设计工作室以其前瞻性视角和创新精神引领业界潮流。

Keiji Ashizawa Design, founded in 2005 by Keiji Ashizawa, has established itself as a pioneering multidisciplinary design studio in Tokyo's vibrant architectural landscape. With a team of 19 architects, interior designers, three product designers, and an art director, the firm embodies a holistic approach to spatial design under the guiding principle of 'Honest Design'.

Measured Architecture

Measured Architecture


位于温哥华的Measured Architecture建筑事务所自2007年成立以来,已然成为加拿大西海岸建筑设计领域的重要力量。该事务所专注于现代设计、室内设计和景观设计,为公共和私人领域打造出令人耳目一新、与周围环境浑然一体的卓越空间。

Measured Architecture, founded in 2007 by Clinton Cuddington, has established itself as a leading force in Vancouver's architectural landscape. Specializing in modern design, interiors, and landscapes, the firm has consistently delivered exceptional public and private environments that are both stimulating to occupy and fundamental to their surroundings.

Schmidt Hammer Lassen

Schmidt Hammer Lassen



Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (SHL), founded in 1986 in Aarhus, Denmark, has emerged as a powerhouse in the global architectural landscape. With a portfolio spanning cultural, educational, commercial, and residential projects, SHL has consistently pushed the boundaries of Nordic design principles, earning over 100 national and international accolades.

Studio Gang

Studio Gang


Studio Gang建筑事务所,由建筑师Jeanne Gang于1997年创立,已成为当代建筑和城市设计领域的重要力量之一。总部位于芝加哥,在纽约、旧金山和巴黎设有分支机构,该事务所凭借其创新、生态敏感和具有社会责任感的设计方法赢得了国际赞誉。

Studio Gang, founded in 1997 by visionary architect Jeanne Gang, FAIA, has emerged as a leading force in contemporary architecture and urban design. Headquartered in Chicago with offices in New York, San Francisco, and Paris, the firm has garnered international acclaim for its innovative, ecologically sensitive, and socially conscious approach to design.




ADHOC由Jean-François St-Onge、François Martineau和Anna Rocki三位合伙人领衔,总部设立在蒙特利尔,理念核心是"创造超越自身界限的建筑"。他们独特的共创设计流程,不仅确保了设计过程的透明度,更深化了与客户的关系,最终呈现出真正反映使用者身份和愿景的空间。

Founded in Montreal, ADHOC architectes has rapidly emerged as a vanguard in Quebec's architectural landscape. Led by partners Jean-François St-Onge, François Martineau, and Anna Rocki, this dynamic firm embodies a fresh approach to design that transcends conventional boundaries.




奥室建筑(Ao. Archlab)成立于2020年,总部位于上海,迅速崛起为一家前沿的建筑设计公司,不断突破空间实验的界限,以用户体验为中心进行设计创新。"奥室"一词源自建筑物内最隐秘的空间,完美诠释了其探索人类体验与建筑形态之间深刻关系的核心理念。

Founded in Shanghai in 2020, Ao. Archlab has quickly established itself as a cutting-edge architectural design firm, pushing the boundaries of spatial experimentation and user-centric design. The name "Ao," referring to the most intimate spaces within a building, reflects the firm's core philosophy of exploring the profound relationship between human experience and architectural form.

Reigo & Bauer

Reigo & Bauer


自2005年由Merike Bauer和 Stephen Bauer创立以来,加拿大Reigo & Bauer建筑事务所在当代建筑和室内设计领域已然成为一股不容忽视的力量。这家总部位于多伦多的事务所主要专注于住宅项目,其作品集融合了创新的新建项目和雄心勃勃的改造工程,每一个项目都彰显了他们一丝不苟且富有协作精神的设计方法。

Since its inception in 2005 by Merike and Stephen Bauer, Reigo & Bauer has established itself as a formidable force in contemporary architecture and interior design. Specializing primarily in residential projects, the Toronto-based firm has cultivated a portfolio that seamlessly blends innovative new builds with ambitious renovations, each project a testament to their meticulous and collaborative approach.

John Ronan Architects

John Ronan Architects


John Ronan Architects自1999年成立以来,已在建筑设计界确立了其重要的地位,以创新方法和对卓越的追求而闻名。在John Ronan的领导下,这家总部位于芝加哥的设计事务所培养了一种强调研究型和协作性的工作室文化。

In a bold move to revitalize Chicago's southwest side, John Ronan Architects has unveiled a striking new headquarters for the Chicago Park District. This civic landmark, nestled within a reclaimed 17-acre park, seamlessly blends form and function to create a space that serves both city officials and the local community.

Omer Arbel

Omer Arbel


成立于2003年的Omer Arbel Office(OAO)是当代建筑设计的先锋,模糊了建筑、雕塑和工业设计之间的界限。在其创始人Omer Arbel带领下,这家总部位于温哥华的设计工作室独创了一种独特的空间和材料探索方法,赢得了国际赞誉。

Omer Arbel Office (OAO), founded in 2003, stands at the vanguard of contemporary architectural design, blurring the boundaries between architecture, sculpture, and industrial design. Led by the visionary Omer Arbel, this Vancouver-based atelier has cultivated a unique approach to spatial and material exploration that has garnered international acclaim.

Akb Architects

Akb Architects


Akb建筑事务所成立于2004年,在Robert Kastelic和Kelly Buffey的领导下,已然成为多伦多顶尖的住宅建筑工作室。该事务所的设计理念体现了对细节的精雕细琢,将富有诗意的空间品质与严谨的概念完整性巧妙融合。事务所的作品集展现了他们卓越的内外空间协调能力,创造出建筑环境与自然景观之间的无缝过渡。

Founded in 2004, Akb Architects has established itself as a preeminent Toronto-based residential architecture studio under the leadership of Robert Kastelic and Kelly Buffey. Their practice embodies a meticulous approach to design, blending poetic spatial qualities with rigorous attention to detail and conceptual integrity.

BLDG Workshop

BLDG Workshop


BLDG Workshop成立于2011年,由Nathan Buhler创立,已成为多伦多、马斯科卡及整个加拿大地区的顶尖建筑设计事务所之一。该事务所以其以客户为中心的方法而闻名,创造出在情感层面引起共鸣,同时巧妙回应场地特定条件的空间。

Founded in 2011 by Nathan Buhler, BLDG Workshop has established itself as a preeminent architectural design firm operating across Toronto, Muskoka, and throughout Canada. The practice is renowned for its client-centric approach, creating spaces that resonate emotionally while responding intuitively to site-specific conditions.




加拿大hcma建筑设计事务所成立于1976年,由Roger Hughes创立,如今已发展成为加拿大领先的建筑设计公司,在可持续发展和以社区为中心的建筑设计领域处于前沿地位。该公司在温哥华、埃德蒙顿和维多利亚设有办公室,凭借其对公共空间和市政建筑的创新方法赢得了国际声誉。

Founded in 1976 by Roger Hughes, hcma architecture + design has evolved into a leading Canadian firm at the forefront of sustainable and community-centric architecture. With offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, and Victoria, hcma has garnered international recognition for its innovative approach to public spaces and civic buildings.




AGATHOM是一家屡获殊荣的加拿大建筑设计工作室,成立于2005年,位于多伦多,由充满活力的搭档Adam Thom和Katja Aga Sachse Thom领导,凭借其独特的设计理念和客户关系处理方式,在建筑界赢得了独特的地位。

AGATHOM Co., an award-winning architectural studio and workshop founded in 2005, stands at the forefront of innovative design in Toronto, Canada. Led by the dynamic duo of Adam Thom and Katja Aga Sachse Thom, the firm has carved a niche in the architectural landscape with its unique approach to design and client relationships.




GO'C是一家诞生于美国太平洋西北地区的获奖建筑设计工作室,自成立以来一直致力于推动富有表现力的本土化建筑设计的边界。由创始合伙人Jon Gentry和Aimée O'Carroll领衔,这家事务所将实用主义与想象力巧妙融合,打造出一系列深度契合环境的场地特定作品。

Founded in the Pacific Northwest, GO'C is an award-winning architecture and design studio that has been pushing the boundaries of contextual and expressive architecture since its inception. Led by founding partners Jon Gentry and Aimée O'Carroll, the firm brings together a unique blend of practicality and imagination to create site-specific works that enrich their surroundings.

Handel Architects

Handel Architects


加拿大Handel Architects成立于1994年,已然成为可持续城市建筑领域的先锋,巧妙地将创新设计与社会责任融为一体。该事务所的全球办公地点遍布纽约、旧金山、波士顿、丹佛和香港,一直致力于交付突破性项目,重新定义城市景观。

Founded in 1994, Handel Architects has established itself as a vanguard in sustainable urban architecture, masterfully blending innovative design with social responsibility. With a global footprint spanning New York, San Francisco, Boston, Denver, and Hong Kong, the firm has consistently delivered groundbreaking projects that redefine the urban landscape.

Collage Design Studio

Collage Design Studio


COLLAGE DESIGN STUDIO成立于2012年,这家总部位于曼谷的建筑事务所秉持着一种前卫理念——"拥抱不完美之美"。在首席设计师斉.索伊斯湾和帕提查.瓦尼查的领导下,该工作室开创性地倡导在建筑设计中欣赏瑕疵、不完美和随机性的美学。有别于执迷于追求完美无瑕,他们专注于发掘有机瑕疵和材料随时光流转的自然形态之美。

Established in 2012, Collage Design Studio is a Bangkok-based architectural practice guided by the radical notion of "embracing the perfection of imperfection." Under the leadership of principals Cherdsak Soisuwan and Puttichart Wanichtat, the firm has pioneered an avant-garde design ethos that celebrates flaws, imperfections and the opportunistic in architecture. Deviating from the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, Collage finds beauty in organic imperfections and the natural progression of materials over time.

2id Architects

2id Architects


2id Architects 于 2016 年在东京和浜松创立,是一家跨越建筑、室内和产品设 计的设计公司。该事务所由日本建筑师冈田宰领衔,坚持"设计中的二元性"理念,巧妙 融合看似矛盾的设计元素,打造贴近现实又富有想象力的作品。2id 擅长协调建筑与室 内、设计与功能实用等二元性,将对立面灵活编织成和谐统一的美学趣味。

Founded in 2016 and based in Tokyo and Hamamatsu, 2id Architects is a design firm that transcends boundaries between architecture, interiors and product design. Led by architect and designer Tsukasa Okada, the firm's approach is guided by the concept of "Duality in Design" - embracing seeming contradictions to create designs with authenticity. 2id Architects excels at harmonizing dualities like architecture and interiors, design and functionality.

WOS Architects

WOS Architects


WOS Architects创办于2019年,是一家坐落于曼谷的精品建筑工作室,由普策萨坤·科努顿和奥恩派林·丽拉斯里翁两位建筑师联袂领导。虽然规模不大,但WOS的作品有口皆碑,业务范围包括建筑设计、室内设计以及许多难以简单归类的创新项目。

Founded in 2019, WOS Architects is a boutique Bangkok-based practice helmed by the duo of Prueksakun Kornudom and Ornpailin Leelasiriwong. Kornudom received his architectural training at Assumption University, while Leelasiriwong holds degrees from Chulalongkorn University and ETH Zurich's prestigious MAS Urban Design program.




成立于2013年的泰国NITAPROW建筑设计事务所,由合伙人尼塔·尤瓦本Nita Yuvaboon和普劳·普拖贺鲁Prow Puttorngul共同创立,是一家坐落于曼谷的建筑和室内设计事务所。凭借多年的综合设计经验,事务所的作品范围涵盖新建筑、室内外翻新、展览、定制家具以及总体规划等。

Founded in 2013 by partners Nita Yuvaboon and Prow Puttorngul, NITAPROW is a Bangkok-based design practice specializing in architecture and interior design. With 15-17 years of experience, the firm's portfolio encompasses newly constructed buildings, interior and exterior renovations, exhibitions, custom furniture, and master planning.




2017年底,孟凡浩和朱培栋两位建筑师在杭州携手创立了gad · line+工作室,迅速在建筑设计界崭露头角,成为引领市场需求的"创意工坊"。line+工作室的核心理念是打破界限。其名称中的"line"代表建筑设计的基础,而"+"则彰显了他们跨界创新的决心。这种独特的方法使工作室能够完美融合规划、建筑、室内、产品设计、运营和景观建筑等多个领域。

Founded in late 2017, gad · line+ studio emerged as a pioneering force in Hangzhou's architectural landscape under the visionary leadership of Meng Fanhao and Zhu Peidong. This innovative design atelier has rapidly established itself as a "creative factory" at the forefront of market-driven architectural solutions.





Founded in 2015, Atelier d'More has rapidly emerged as a formidable presence in China's architectural landscape. Led by principal architects Wei Wang and Le Sheng, this Shanghai-based studio has garnered international acclaim for its innovative approach to spatial design and its seamless integration of architecture, interiors, and landscape.

NORM Architects

NORM Architects


成立于2008年的Norm Architects已然成为当代丹麦设计领域的中坚力量,通过感官参与和极简主义美学重新诠释了建筑环境。这家总部位于哥本哈根的多专业设计工作室由创始合伙人Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen和Kasper Rønn Von Lotzbeck领衔,培育出一种独特的设计方法,巧妙融合了建筑、室内设计和工业设计。

Established in 2008, Norm Architects has emerged as a pivotal force in contemporary Danish design, reimagining the built environment through a lens of sensory engagement and minimalist sophistication. This Copenhagen-based multidisciplinary studio, led by founding partners Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen and Kasper Rønn Von Lotzbeck, has cultivated a distinctive approach that seamlessly blends architecture, interior design, and industrial design.

Dubbeldam Architecture + Design

Dubbeldam Architecture + Design


Dubbeldam Architecture + Design成立于2002年,由Heather Dubbeldam创立。作为加拿大皇家建筑学会会员(FRAIC)、安大略省建筑师协会注册建筑师(OAA)、LEED认证专业人士和WELL认证专业人士,Heather带领事务所迅速成为加拿大可持续创新设计的先锋。这家总部位于多伦多的多学科设计工作室将环境和社会可持续性无缝融入其多元化的项目组合中,涵盖住宅、商业和公共领域项目。

Founded in 2002 by Heather Dubbeldam, FRAIC, OAA, LEED AP, WELL AP, Dubbeldam Architecture + Design has established itself as a vanguard of sustainable and innovative design in Canada. This Toronto-based multi-disciplinary studio seamlessly integrates environmental and social sustainability into their diverse portfolio, spanning residential, commercial, and public realm projects.

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter


Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter由同名建筑师Reiulf Ramstad创立,已跻身挪威建筑界的翘楚,以其创新性和对环境敏感的设计而闻名。该事务所在奥斯陆、奥胡斯和哥本哈根设有办事处,自成立以来,已在住宅、文化和公共项目领域构建了丰富多样的作品集。

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter, founded by the eponymous architect Reiulf Ramstad, has emerged as a powerhouse of Norwegian architecture, renowned for its innovative and context-sensitive designs. With offices in Oslo, Aarhus, and Copenhagen, the firm has cultivated a diverse portfolio spanning residential, cultural, and public projects since its inception.

Hariri Pontarini Architects

Hariri Pontarini Architects


Hariri Pontarini Architects(HPA)自1994年由Siamak Hariri 和 David Pontarini创立以来,已然成为加拿大建筑与城市设计领域的先锋。这家总部位于多伦多的事务所现已发展至150人规模,以其对卓越设计的执着追求和通过持久建筑与富有灵感的公共空间塑造更美好城市的承诺而闻名遐迩。

Hariri Pontarini Architects (HPA), founded in 1994 by Siamak Hariri and David Pontarini, has emerged as a vanguard in Canadian architecture and urban design. This Toronto-based practice, now 150 strong, is renowned for its commitment to design excellence and city-building through enduring architecture and inspired public realms.




Crossboundaries成立于2005年,是一家以设计为核心的多学科工作室,在建筑设计领域独树一帜。由董灏和蓝冰可(Binke Lenhardt)共同创立,该事务所如今已发展成为一支国际化团队,在北京和法兰克福设有办公室。Crossboundaries的设计哲学体现在其名称中:跨越界限,促进不同领域间的对话。

Crossboundaries, founded in 2005 by Dong Hao and Binke Lenhardt in Beijing, has emerged as a trailblazing interdisciplinary design studio at the forefront of architectural innovation. With an additional office established in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 2012 by Binke Lenhardt and Antje Voigt, the firm has cultivated a global perspective while maintaining a deep connection to local contexts.

The Ranch Mine

The Ranch Mine


成立于2010年的美国The Ranch Mine建筑设计事务所,已成为当代住宅建筑领域的先锋力量之一,尤其在美国西南部脱颖而出。在首席建筑师Cavin Costello和首席执行官Claire Costello这对充满活力的搭档领导下,这家总部位于凤凰城的事务所凭借其创新的、因地制宜的设计而赢得广泛赞誉,其作品与自然环境完美融合。

Founded in 2010, The Ranch Mine has emerged as a pioneering force in contemporary residential architecture, particularly in the American Southwest. Led by the dynamic duo of Cavin Costello, Principal Architect, and Claire Costello, Chief Executive, this Phoenix-based firm has garnered widespread acclaim for its innovative, site-specific designs that seamlessly integrate with their natural surroundings.

Brunner Architecture

Brunner Architecture


Brunner Architecture是一家位于加州的小型建筑设计事务所,在过去二十多年里,他们一直在科切拉谷和高沙漠地区留下了独特的印记。该公司于2019年由瑞士建筑师Martin Brunner创立,专注于设计能够与沙漠环境的独特挑战和迷人景观完美协调的住宅项目。

Nestled in the rugged beauty of Joshua Tree, California, Brunner Architecture is a small yet highly esteemed design firm that has been leaving an indelible mark on the Coachella Valley and High Desert region for over two decades. Founded in 2019 by Swiss-born architect Martin Brunner, the practice specializes in residential design that seamlessly harmonizes with the unique challenges and captivating landscapes of the desert environment.

Shape Architecture Practice + Research

Shape Architecture Practice + Research


Shape Architecture Practice + Research由Abdulla Al-Shamsi于2006年在阿联酋创立,迅速成为中东地区设计卓越的典范。Abdulla Al-Shamsi毕业于哥伦比亚大学, SHAPE的理念深深植根于将尖端数字设计和生产技术融入建筑过程。这种创新承诺与他们坚信研究能够提升设计成果和方法的理念相辅相成。

Founded in 2006 by Abdulla Al-Shamsi, SHAPE Architecture Practice and Research has established itself as a beacon of design excellence in the Middle East. Al-Shamsi, who holds an MSAAD from Columbia University under the tutelage of Bernard Tschumi and a B.Arch from the American University of Sharjah, brings a wealth of expertise to the firm's leadership.




ACDF建筑事务所成立于2006年,迅速成为加拿大建筑界的领军力量。这家总部位于蒙特利尔的事务所由合伙人Maxime-Alexis Frappier、Joan Renaud和Étienne Laplante Courchesne领导,凭借其创新的设计理念赢得了国际声誉,巧妙地将北美的务实主义与欧洲的华丽风格融为一体。

Founded in 2006, ACDF Architecture has rapidly established itself as a leading force in the Canadian architectural landscape. The Montreal-based firm, led by partners Maxime-Alexis Frappier, Joan Renaud, and Étienne Laplante Courchesne, has gained international recognition for its innovative approach to design that seamlessly blends North American pragmatism with European flair.




Binishells公司创立于60多年前,由Dante Bini博士创办,现已成为创新建筑技术的先驱。如今,在首席执行官兼总裁Nicoló Bini的领导下,公司已发展成为一家全方位的建筑设计和技术公司,引领可持续建筑实践的前沿。Binishells提供独特的一体化项目交付方式,涵盖建筑和室内设计、技术转让、研发、施工监督和项目营销。

Founded over 60 years ago by Dr. Dante Bini, Binishells has established itself as a pioneer in innovative construction technologies. The firm, now led by CEO/President Nicoló Bini, has evolved into a comprehensive architectural design and technology company at the forefront of sustainable building practices.




Modern Office of Design + Architecture (MODA)由富有远见的建筑师Ben Klumper和Dustin Couzens于2013年创立,迅速成为加拿大卡尔加里领先的多专业设计公司。MODA的项目组合涵盖建筑、城市规划、景观和设计等多个领域,持续突破传统建筑实践的界限。

Founded in 2013 by visionary architects Ben Klumper and Dustin Couzens, Modern Office of Design + Architecture (MODA) has rapidly established itself as a leading multidisciplinary design firm in Calgary, Canada. With a diverse portfolio spanning architecture, urbanism, landscape, and design, MODA has consistently pushed the boundaries of conventional architectural practice.

Thellend Fortin Architectes

Thellend Fortin Architectes


成立于2007年的Thellend Fortin建筑事务所已然成为魁北克建筑界的领军力量。在Louis Thellend和Lisa-Marie Fortin这对充满活力的搭档的带领下,该事务所因其创新的设计方法而备受赞誉,尤其体现在其对环境语境的无缝融入和对生态敏感性的高度重视。

Nestled in the heart of Quebec's Eastern Townships, the Orford House by Thellend Fortin Architectes is a striking example of contemporary residential design that seamlessly integrates with its natural surroundings. This single-family dwelling, completed in 2022, replaces an older structure while maintaining a deep connection to the site's rich history and breathtaking landscape.




Byben工作室创立于20世纪90年代初,位于美国洛杉矶,从一个前卫的街头服饰品牌演变成了一家个性化的建筑设计公司,并于2016年正式确立了其建筑实践。在首席建筑师Ben Warwas的带领下,该工作室为项目带来了独特的跨学科方法,巧妙地将服装设计的结构创新和前沿美学与建筑原理融为一体。

Byben, founded in the early 1990s, has evolved from a avant-garde streetwear label into a cutting-edge architectural design firm, officially establishing its architectural practice in 2016. Led by Principal Architect Ben Warwas, the studio brings a unique cross-disciplinary approach to its projects, seamlessly blending the structural innovation and progressive aesthetics of fashion design with architectural principles.

Rama Estudio

Rama Estudio


Rama Estudio建筑设计事务所来自厄瓜多尔,通过实验探索途径,在资源优化方面处于创新前沿。该事务所由Carolina Rodas, Carla Chávez和 Felipe Donoso于2010年联合创立,追求综合性设计,将领域拓展至区域规划、城市设计以及产品造型,全面应对社会、文化和空间挑战。

Founded in Ecuador, Rama Estudio is an innovative architectural, design, urban planning, and construction practice at the forefront of resource optimization through experimentation. Established in 2010 by co-founders Carolina Rodas, Carla Chávez, and Felipe Donoso, the collaborative firm takes an integrative approach, relating scales from territorial to object design to comprehensively address social, cultural, and spatial challenges.





EERI Architecture Studio is a Shanghai-based practice founded by principals Rui Hou and Lijin Zhu after graduating from the University of California, Berkeley. The firm's name encapsulates their design philosophy - exploring the relationships between the "present" and the "field" through a balanced approach integrating rational and emotional methodologies.




TETRA WORKS是一家2019年成立的日本广岛本土建筑设计工作室,由首席建筑师伊濑和裕领衔,团队由他、津田知明(董事/一级建筑师/施工管理师)、山口正展(二级建筑师)和伊濑千春四人组成。他们的设计理念源于四面体这一基本的柏拉图多面体形态——简单而又结构坚固。正如事务所名字"TETRA WORKS"所暗示的,他们追求住宅和商业建筑设计的简洁性和长久性。

Founded in 2019, TETRAWORKS is a Hiroshima-based architectural design firm led by principal architect Kazuhiro Ise. The four-person team, including
Ise, Tomoaki Tsuda (Director/First-Class Architect/Construction Supervisor), Masanobu Yamaguchi (Second-Class Architect), and Chiharu Ise, takes inspiration from the geometric simplicity and structural integrity of the tetrahedron - one of the
fundamental Platonic solids.

Sheppard Robson

Sheppard Robson


Sheppard Robson是一家来自英国的跨领域建筑与设计机构,始于1938年由Sir Richard Sheppard和Jean Shufflebottom夫妇创立,后于上世纪50年代迎来了Geoffrey Robson作为合伙人加入。如今,这家拥有360名员工的事务所已发展成为一个不断演进的创意平台,团队由建筑师、室内设计师和总体规划师组成,在合伙人的带领下通力合作。该事务所将设计视为一个驱动型过程,过程中蕴含着创意、技术和理念的交流。

Sheppard Robson is an interdisciplinary architecture and design collective founded in 1938 by Sir Richard Sheppard and Jean Shufflebottom, later joined by Geoffrey Robson as a partner in the 1950s. Today, the 360-person strong firm operates as an ever-evolving creative hub encompassing architects, interior designers, and master planners under a collaborative partnership model.

AND Studio

AND Studio


AND Studio事务所源于2014年,由年轻建筑师Duccio Cardelli和王宁在一家巴黎咖啡馆里的一次对谈构思而成。在普利兹克奖获得者克里斯蒂安·德·包赞巴克建筑事务所工作了12年后,这对搭档在巴黎和上海分别创办了事务所。自创立以来,AND Studio一直与全球顶尖的国际和本土专家合作,项目和经验不断丰富。

Founded in 2014, AND Studio emerged from the minds of young architects Duccio Cardelli and Ning Wang over a Parisian cafe conversation. After honing their skills for over a decade under the mentorship of 1994 Pritzker Prize laureate Christian de Portzamparc, the pair launched their design practice with offices in Paris and Shanghai.





Founded in 2014, VARY Design has rapidly established itself as a dynamic force in the architectural landscape of China. With studios strategically located in Shenzhen and Chongqing, this independent practice has garnered attention for its multifaceted approach to urban and architectural design.

Slee & Co Architects

Slee & Co Architects


始创于1986年的Slee & Co.建筑事务所,由Johann Slee创立,已成为南非建筑设计界的一支重要力量。该事务所最初位于约翰内斯堡,17年前迁至斯泰伦博斯,在历史悠久的多普街设立工作室。他们在多普街101号的项目荣获2011年开普建筑学会奖,充分展现了他们将现代设计巧妙融入历史环境的能力。

Slee & Co. Architects, founded in 1986 by principal partner Johann Slee, has established itself as a prominent force in South African architecture. Originally based in Johannesburg, the firm relocated to Stellenbosch 17 years ago, setting up studio in the historic Dorp Street. Their 2011 Cape Institute of Architecture Award-winning infill project at 101 Dorp Street exemplifies their skillful integration of contemporary design within historical contexts.

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