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奥室建筑(Ao. Archlab)成立于2020年,总部位于上海,迅速崛起为一家前沿的建筑设计公司,不断突破空间实验的界限,以用户体验为中心进行设计创新。"奥室"一词源自建筑物内最隐秘的空间,完美诠释了其探索人类体验与建筑形态之间深刻关系的核心理念。





Founded in Shanghai in 2020, Ao. Archlab has quickly established itself as a cutting-edge architectural design firm, pushing the boundaries of spatial experimentation and user-centric design. The name "Ao," referring to the most intimate spaces within a building, reflects the firm's core philosophy of exploring the profound relationship between human experience and architectural form.

Led by principal architect Ao Yang and principal partner MJ Zhan, Ao. Archlab brings together a wealth of international expertise. Yang, with degrees from Tsinghua University and the University of Tokyo, honed his skills at Kengo Kuma & Associates, while Zhan's background in urban studies and historic preservation from Bryn Mawr College and Columbia University brings a nuanced understanding of context and heritage to their projects.

Ao. Archlab's approach is characterized by a meticulous focus on the interplay between architectural elements - scale, function, and materiality - and their impact on human behavior and emotion. The firm employs experimental methodologies to investigate the relationship between the human body and spatial morphology, resulting in environments that prioritize user experience.

Their portfolio showcases a range of projects that demonstrate a masterful balance between innovation and contextual sensitivity. From adaptive reuse of heritage structures to avant-garde new constructions, Ao. Archlab consistently delivers spaces that are both functionally efficient and emotionally resonant.

By combining rigorous academic research with practical design solutions, Ao. Archlab is redefining the boundaries of contemporary Chinese architecture, creating spaces that are not just built, but profoundly experienced.

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