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作为一家极具创新精神的建筑设计事务所,小隐建筑凭借对中国空间美学的独特诠释获得了国际瞩目,斩获多项重量级奖项。他们提出的"隐逸建筑语言"理念,为当代建筑话语体系贡献了崭新范式,开创了东方传统空间概念与现代建筑表达融合的新途径。 Founded in April 2015 in Chengdu, China, Archermit (小隐建筑) has emerged as a pioneering force in contemporary Chinese architecture, distinguished by its groundbreaking Imagist Architectural Theory. Under the leadership of Principal Architect Youcai Pan, Design Director Zhe Yang, and Technical Director Ren Zhen Chen, the practice has established itself as a vanguard of architectural poetics in the region.


The studio's philosophical foundation rests on the ancient Chinese concept of "以意赋象,以象见意" (Endowing forms with Ideas, perceiving Ideas through forms), manifesting in a unique design methodology that synthesizes Eastern philosophical contemplation with contemporary spatial narratives. This approach transcends conventional architectural practice by creating what the firm terms "scenario-based existences" - spaces that bridge reality and imagination through carefully choreographed architectural sequences.


Archermit's portfolio demonstrates a masterful balance between phenomenological experience and pragmatic functionality, evident in projects like the recently completed Nujiang River 72 Canyon Scenic Area. Their work is characterized by strong experiential qualities and cultural resonance, achieved through the extraction and transformation of natural and cultural imagery into architectural elements.


The practice has garnered international recognition for its innovative interpretation of Chinese spatial aesthetics, accumulating numerous prestigious awards. Their design philosophy, which they term "Hidden Architectural Language," represents a significant contribution to contemporary architectural discourse, offering a fresh paradigm for integrating traditional Eastern spatial concepts with modern architectural expression.

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