3XN成立于1986年的丹麦奥胡斯,现已发展成为一家以可持续设计创新和以人为本的建筑理念而闻名的全球性建筑事务所。目前由包括创意总监Kim Herforth Nielsen在内的五人高级合伙人团队领导,公司在哥本哈根、斯德哥尔摩、伦敦、纽约和悉尼设有办事处,建立起强大的国际网络。
Founded in 1986 in Aarhus, Denmark, 3XN has evolved into a global architectural practice renowned for its innovative approach to sustainable design and human-centered architecture. Currently led by a senior partner group of five with Kim Herforth Nielsen as Creative Director, the firm maintains offices in Copenhagen, Stockholm, London, New York, and Sydney, establishing a robust international presence.
The practice gained international recognition through seminal projects like the Danish Embassy in Berlin (1999) and the Muziekgebouw Concert Hall in Amsterdam (1997), setting benchmarks for contextual sensitivity and programmatic innovation. Their portfolio encompasses a diverse range of typologies, from cultural institutions to sustainable high-rises, exemplified by recent completions such as the Olympic House IOC Headquarters in Lausanne and the award-winning Quay Quarter Tower in Sydney.
In 2007, 3XN established GXN, an internal research and development department focused on green innovation, material technology, and circular design principles. This integration of research-driven sustainability with architectural practice demonstrates the firm's commitment to advancing the field through evidence-based design methodologies. The practice continues to push boundaries in sustainable architecture while maintaining its foundational philosophy of building design that benefits both users and urban context.