ADHOC由Jean-François St-Onge、François Martineau和Anna Rocki三位合伙人领衔,总部设立在蒙特利尔,理念核心是"创造超越自身界限的建筑"。他们独特的共创设计流程,不仅确保了设计过程的透明度,更深化了与客户的关系,最终呈现出真正反映使用者身份和愿景的空间。
翻阅ADHOC的作品集,从屡获殊荣的Village WVW项目到可持续发展的Rose des Vents学生公寓,无不彰显他们驾驭多元项目的能力。他们对LEED绿色建筑和BIM技术的精通,让人不由得想到全球在推进绿色建筑和智慧城市建设中面临的机遇与挑战。
ADHOC事务所多次斩获Grand Prix du Design大奖的成就令人印象深刻。他们不断突破建筑卓越性的界限,创造出的不仅仅是建筑,更是深刻的体验,这种理念与我们追求的"人民城市人民建"不谋而合。
Founded in Montreal, ADHOC architectes has rapidly emerged as a vanguard in Quebec's architectural landscape. Led by partners Jean-François St-Onge, François Martineau, and Anna Rocki, this dynamic firm embodies a fresh approach to design that transcends conventional boundaries.
ADHOC's philosophy centers on "architecture that resonates beyond its own walls," exemplified by their innovative co-creation process. This participatory approach not only ensures transparency but also enhances client relationships, resulting in spaces that truly reflect their users' identities and aspirations.
The firm's portfolio showcases a versatile range of projects, from the award-winning Village WVW to the sustainable Rose des Vents student housing. Their mastery of LEED principles and BIM technology positions them at the forefront of sustainable and technologically advanced design practices in Quebec.
ADHOC's interdisciplinary team of 30 professionals forms an "ad hoc" collaborative laboratory, tailoring their expertise to each project's unique demands. This flexibility allows them to tackle diverse challenges, from intimate residential spaces to large-scale urban developments.
With numerous accolades, including multiple Grand Prix du Design awards, ADHOC architectes continues to push the boundaries of architectural excellence, creating spaces that are not just built, but deeply experienced.