Design Studio MAOOM
South Korea

Design Studio MAOOM成立于2016年,已发展成为韩国最具创新力的建筑设计事务所之一,以其"Flexibility to change"(灵活求变)的设计理念和独特的空间设计方法而闻名。这家总部位于首尔的工作室由首席建筑师崔民奎(Minkyu Choi)、金延钟(Yeonjong Kim)和李正焕(Jeonghwan Lee)领衔,凭借将以人为本的设计原则与当代建筑元素的巧妙融合而获得国际认可。
在现任领导团队的带领下,MAOOM设有空间设计、物品设计和品牌识别等专业部门,发展出强调空间和谐与材质触感的独特设计语言。他们的项目多次被ArchDaily、Frame和Interior Design Korea等权威建筑杂志报道,其中包括CUNN Coffee(2020年)、NAP Coffee Roasters(2018年)和最新的HORONG面包店(2023年)等标志性作品。
Founded in 2016, Design Studio Maoom is an innovative architectural practice guided by the philosophy of "Flexibility to change." Under the leadership of Principal Architects Minkyu Choi, Yeonjong Kim, and Jeonghwan Lee, the studio focuses on combining human-centric design with contemporary architectural innovation.
The practice specializes in a comprehensive range of projects including commercial spaces, F&B establishments, offices, residential projects, and exhibition spaces, offering integrated services in spatial design, object design, and brand identity. Their work is renowned for precise control of spatial composition, materiality, and lighting design, receiving widespread recognition in international design media such as ArchDaily and Frame.
The studio's methodology combines rigorous architectural planning with deep understanding of user experience, dedicated to creating emotional spatial experiences that transcend pure functionality. Through representative works such as NAP Coffee Roasters (2018) and CUNN Coffee (2020), the studio has demonstrated its unique ability to transform everyday spaces into meaningful environments.