Hariri Pontarini Architects

Hariri Pontarini Architects(HPA)自1994年由Siamak Hariri 和 David Pontarini创立以来,已然成为加拿大建筑与城市设计领域的先锋。这家总部位于多伦多的事务所现已发展至150人规模,以其对卓越设计的执着追求和通过持久建筑与富有灵感的公共空间塑造更美好城市的承诺而闻名遐迩。
作为领先机构和开发商的可信赖顾问,HPA已然成为创新设计的实验室,研究与创意在此交汇碰撞。他们的作品不断突破建筑实践的边界,从单体建筑到大尺度城市干预,始终着眼于塑造加拿大乃至全球城市的未来。 Hariri Pontarini Architects (HPA), founded in 1994 by Siamak Hariri and David Pontarini, has emerged as a vanguard in Canadian architecture and urban design. This Toronto-based practice, now 150 strong, is renowned for its commitment to design excellence and city-building through enduring architecture and inspired public realms.
Led by Hariri and Pontarini, alongside key partners Doron Meinhard and Ladan Niknam, HPA's portfolio spans a diverse typology of cultural, academic, mixed-use, residential, healthcare, and commercial projects. Their design philosophy is rooted in an experiential approach, focusing on materiality, light, and tactile qualities to create spaces that transcend mere functionality.
HPA's methodology is characterized by intensive research and meticulous attention to detail, resulting in buildings that are both contextually responsive and forward-thinking. The firm's commitment to sustainability is evident in their comprehensive, multi-faceted architectural approach, prioritizing carbon reduction and resilient community building.
As trusted advisors to leading institutions and developers, HPA has become a laboratory for innovative design where research meets creativity. Their work consistently pushes the boundaries of architectural practice, from single buildings to large-scale urban interventions, always with an eye towards shaping the future of cities across Canada and globally.