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Kronaus Mitterer Architekten

Kronaus Mitterer Architekten


Kronaus Mitterer Architekten(KMA)成立于2021年,在短短几年间已迅速发展成为中欧地区最具活力的建筑设计机构之一,目前在维也纳和柏林设有办事处。在创始合伙人克里斯蒂安·克罗瑙斯博士(Dr. Christian Kronaus)和彼得·米特勒(Peter Mitterer)的领导下,与合伙人彼得·穆勒(Peter Müller)共同执掌,该事务所凭借其在公共建筑和混合功能开发项目上的创新手法赢得了广泛赞誉。


作为一家拥有60名专业人员的建筑设计团队,Kronaus Mitterer Architekten在大型公共项目竞赛中屡获殊荣,尤其在需要复杂多功能空间规划方案的项目中表现突出。该事务所的设计方法论强调从概念构思到最终建成的全过程整体性思维。




通过维也纳总部和柏林分部的协同运作,Kronaus Mitterer Architekten已确立了其在当代欧洲建筑界的领军地位,为公共空间设计和机构建筑带来了全新的设计视角。 Kronaus Mitterer Architekten (KMA), established in 2021, has rapidly emerged as one of Central Europe's most dynamic architectural practices, with offices strategically located in Vienna and Berlin. Under the leadership of founding partners Dr. Christian Kronaus and Peter Mitterer, alongside partner Peter Müller, the firm has garnered significant recognition for their innovative approach to public architecture and mixed-use developments.


The practice, comprising a team of 60 professionals, has distinguished itself through numerous competition victories in large-scale public projects, particularly those demanding sophisticated solutions for multifunctional spatial programming. KMA's methodology is characterized by their holistic approach to architectural design and implementation, encompassing all project phases from initial concept to final execution.


What sets KMA apart is their commitment to maintaining design excellence throughout the entire planning process. Their integrated project delivery method ensures seamless continuity from early design stages through to completion, with a particular emphasis on sustainable solutions and technological innovation. The firm's portfolio demonstrates their expertise in educational facilities, cultural institutions, and complex urban developments.


Operating from their main studio in Vienna and their German headquarters in Berlin, KMA has established itself as a leading voice in contemporary European architecture, bringing fresh perspectives to the challenges of public space design and institutional architecture.

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