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Measured Architecture

Measured Architecture


位于温哥华的Measured Architecture建筑事务所自2007年成立以来,已然成为加拿大西海岸建筑设计领域的重要力量。该事务所专注于现代设计、室内设计和景观设计,为公共和私人领域打造出令人耳目一新、与周围环境浑然一体的卓越空间。


由Clinton Cuddington创立,并于2009年迎来合伙人Piers Cunnington加入的Measured Architecture,多年来精心打造了一系列考究、创新且品质卓越的项目。他们独树一帜的"情境现代主义"设计理念,是一种以人为本、因地制宜的方法,将客户愿景、场地潜力以及市政规划、预算和工期等因素融会贯通。


Measured Architecture的设计哲学体现在对客户需求的深入理解上,创造出既实用高效又美观雅致的空间。他们的作品犹如精心编织的背景,与使用者的生活完美契合,突出了空间流动性和和谐感。


从住宅到商业项目,Measured Architecture的作品无不彰显其对环境敏感设计、可持续发展和创新材料运用的执着追求。他们屡获殊荣,包括多次荣膺《Western Living》杂志年度建筑设计师大奖,足见其在加拿大建筑界的重要地位。 Measured Architecture, founded in 2007 by Clinton Cuddington, has established itself as a leading force in Vancouver's architectural landscape. Specializing in modern design, interiors, and landscapes, the firm has consistently delivered exceptional public and private environments that are both stimulating to occupy and fundamental to their surroundings.


The practice, led by Cuddington and Piers Cunnington, who joined in 2009, has cultivated a portfolio that showcases their ability to craft considered, innovative, and high-quality projects. Their unique approach, dubbed "situational modernism," is a subject-based, humanist methodology that carefully considers each project through the lens of client aspirations, site opportunities, and municipal, budgetary, and scheduling constraints.


Measured Architecture's design philosophy is characterized by a meticulous understanding of client needs, resulting in spaces that are both functionally efficient and aesthetically pleasing. The firm's projects serve as thoughtful backdrops for their clients' lives, with an emphasis on flow and spatial harmony.


From residential to commercial projects, Measured Architecture's work exemplifies a commitment to context-sensitive design, sustainability, and innovative use of materials. Their growing list of accolades, including multiple Western Living Magazine Architecture Designer of the Year awards, underscores their significant impact on the Canadian architectural scene.

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