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Serie Architects


Serie Architects

Serie建筑事务所成立于2006年,由Christopher Lee与Kapil Gupta共同创立,现已发展成为当代最具学术深度与空间创新力的建筑设计事务所之一。事务所在伦敦、孟买和新加坡三地设有办公室,形成战略性的全球布局,其建筑实践以形式语言的精妙与环境语境的深刻诠释见长。


在现任哈佛大学设计研究生院Arthur Rotch设计讲席评论家Christopher Lee的带领下,事务所因其在建筑类型学创新和建筑传统当代诠释方面的卓越成就而备受国际瞩目。在合伙人Bolam Lee和Martin Jameson的协同下,事务所在公共建筑、文化设施和教育建筑等领域均展现出非凡的设计才能。




作为一家以研究导向著称的建筑事务所,Serie在新加坡"绿洲平台"(Oasis Terraces)和迪拜贾米尔艺术中心(Jameel Arts Centre)等开创性项目中充分展现了这一特色。这些作品完美诠释了事务所将复杂的功能需求、气候因素与文化叙事融会贯通的能力,创造出既富有时代精神又深具场所共鸣的建筑杰作。 Serie Architects, established in 2006 by Christopher Lee and Kapil Gupta, has emerged as one of the most intellectually rigorous and spatially innovative architectural practices of its generation. With offices strategically positioned in London, Mumbai, and Singapore, the practice has cultivated a distinctive approach to architecture that marries formal sophistication with contextual sensitivity.


Under the leadership of Christopher Lee, who serves as the Arthur Rotch Design Critic in Architecture at Harvard Graduate School of Design, the firm has garnered international recognition for its typological innovations and creative interpretation of architectural precedents. The practice's portfolio, strengthened by partners Bolam Lee and Martin Jameson, demonstrates exceptional versatility across civic, cultural, and educational sectors.


Serie's meteoric rise in the architectural sphere is evidenced by their numerous competition victories and prestigious accolades, including the 2023 President's Design Award for the Singapore State Courts and multiple World Architecture Festival awards. Their work is characterized by a methodological approach that combines rigorous geometric exploration with material innovation, resulting in buildings that respond eloquently to their cultural and physical contexts.


The practice's commitment to research-driven design is reflected in their groundbreaking projects such as the Oasis Terraces in Singapore and the Jameel Arts Centre in Dubai. These works exemplify Serie's ability to synthesize complex programmatic requirements with climatic considerations and cultural narratives, creating architecture that is both contemporary and contextually resonant.

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