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Kidz Studio
Kidz Studio是一家前瞻性的建筑和设计实践,成立于2013年,以独特的"儿童视角"理念对建筑环境进行设计。这家国际公司专注于创造对环境响应的设计,在不同文化背景下将功能创新与情感共鸣无缝融合。
Kidz Studio is a forward-thinking architectural and design practice founded in 2013 that approaches the built environment with a distinctive "kid-vision" philosophy. This international firm specializes in creating contextually responsive designs that seamlessly blend functional innovation with emotional resonance across diverse cultural landscapes.
gh3*成立于2006年,已发展成为加拿大最具创新性的建筑设计事务所之一,在建筑、城市规划和景观设计领域获得同行认可和众多奖项。由创始人兼创意总监Pat Hanson领导,该事务所在各种类型和规模的项目中建立了设计完整性的声誉。
Founded in 2006, gh3* has established itself as one of Canada's most innovative architectural design practices, earning peer recognition and numerous prestigious awards for its distinctive approach to the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and landscape. Led by Founding Principal and Creative Director Pat Hanson (BFA, MArch, OAA, AAA, FRAIC), the firm has cultivated a reputation for design integrity across diverse typologies and scales.
Christoph Hesse Architects
Christoph Hesse Architects成立于2010年,已发展成为德国最具创新力的建筑设计事务所之一,以其创造能够激发自我效能、协作和与自然深度连接的空间而闻名。这家工作室在德国科尔巴赫历史小镇和柏林设有办公室,凭借将根植于当地的身份认同与前瞻性视野相结合的设计理念获得国际认可。
Founded in 2010, Christoph Hesse Architects has established itself as one of Germany's most innovative architectural practices, renowned for creating spaces that inspire self-efficacy, collaboration, and deep connections to nature. With offices in the historic town of Korbach and the contemporary creative hub of Berlin, the studio has gained international recognition for its design philosophy that combines deeply rooted local identity with a forward-thinking vision.
Calvi Ceschia Viganò architetti associati
Calvi Ceschia Viganò architetti associati诞生于友谊、理念共享及将三位建筑师个人路径融合为共同愿景的认知。该建筑事务所由Marco Calvi、Gaetano Ceschia和Andrea Viganò创立,每位成员都拥有超过三十年的研究和工作经验。事务所的设计理念将城市和领域视为集体和多元事实,是社区公共价值的表达;而建筑则被视为个体和独特时刻,基于每个人的特殊视角。他们通过精确的设计方案解决这些之间的内在矛盾。
Calvi Ceschia Viganò architetti associati was born from friendship, shared ideas, and the awareness that uniting three individual architectural paths into a common vision would extend everyone's perspective. The firm was founded by Marco Calvi, Gaetano Ceschia, and Andrea Viganò, each bringing over thirty years of research and work experience.The firm's design philosophy views city and territory as collective and plural facts, expressions of a community's public values, while architecture is seen as an individual and singular moment, based on each person's particular vision. They carefully resolve the implicit contradictions between these through precise design solutions.
Design Studio MAOOM
Design Studio MAOOM成立于2016年,已发展成为韩国最具创新力的建筑设计事务所之一,以其"Flexibility to change"(灵活求变)的设计理念和独特的空间设计方法而闻名。这家总部位于首尔的工作室由首席建筑师崔民奎(Minkyu Choi)、金延钟(Yeonjong Kim)和李正焕(Jeonghwan Lee)领衔,凭借将以人为本的设计原则与当代建筑元素的巧妙融合而获得国际认可。
Founded in 2016, Design Studio Maoom is an innovative architectural practice guided by the philosophy of "Flexibility to change." Under the leadership of Principal Architects Minkyu Choi, Yeonjong Kim, and Jeonghwan Lee, the studio focuses on combining human-centric design with contemporary architectural innovation.
kooo architects
Founded in 2015, kooo architects, led by principals Shinya and Ayaka Kojima, operates between Tokyo and Shanghai with a distinctive approach to contemporary architecture that challenges the homogenization of built environments. With a team of 25 professionals, the practice has established itself as a significant voice in contextual design across East Asia.
Nguyen Khai Architects & Associates
成立于2016年的Nguyen Khai Architects & Associates(NKAA)位于越南历史文化名城顺化,在当代东南亚建筑领域已确立了其独特地位。在创始人及主创建筑师Nguyen Quang Khai的带领下,事务所发展出了一套将现代主义原则与场地特性完美融合的设计理念。
Founded in 2016 in the historic city of Hue, Vietnam, Nguyen Khai Architects & Associates (NKAA) has established itself as a notable presence in contemporary Southeast Asian architecture. Under the leadership of principal architect Nguyen Quang Khai, the practice has developed a distinctive design philosophy that seamlessly integrates modernist principles with contextual sensitivity.
OODA是一家充满活力的建筑事务所,成立于2010年的葡萄牙波尔图。通过其创新的设计方法和国际化视野,已在当代建筑领域崭露头角。该事务所由Diogo Brito和Rodrigo Vilas-Boas共同创立,他们将各自在伦敦和鹿特丹积累的国际经验相结合,打造出一个能够融合本土敏感性与全球设计思维的实践平台。
OODA, a dynamic architectural practice founded in 2010 in Porto, Portugal, has emerged as a significant force in contemporary architecture through its innovative approach to design and international perspective. The firm was established by Diogo Brito and Rodrigo Vilas-Boas, who brought together their diverse international experiences from London and Rotterdam, creating a practice that bridges local sensibilities with global design thinking.
LIFE Architects
LIFE Architects, established in Seoul, South Korea, represents a dynamic architectural practice that seamlessly merges innovative design thinking with contextual sensitivity. Led by principals Jeeyoung Han (KIRA registered architect) and Sooyong Hwang (Adjunct Professor at Hongik University), both holding Master's degrees in Architecture, the firm has cultivated a distinctive approach to architectural interventions in urban environments.
Padovani Arquitetos
2008年由建筑师Lucas Padovani创立的Padovani Arquitetos,扎根圣保罗,以简洁性、技术革新与自然的深刻对话,在当代巴西建筑界树立了独特地位。工作室由创意总监Lucas Padovani与行政总监Bruno Padovani领衔,集结多学科团队,将建筑、室内设计与战略规划融为一体,打造超越功能性的空间,践行其“概念诗意”——一种契合客户需求与环境语境的独特设计哲学。
Founded in 2008 by architect Lucas Padovani, São Paulo-based Padovani Arquitetos has carved a distinct niche in contemporary Brazilian architecture through designs that harmonize simplicity, technical innovation, and a profound dialogue with nature. The studio’s multidisciplinary team, led by Creative Director Lucas Padovani and Administrative Director Bruno Padovani, integrates architecture, interior design, and strategic planning to craft spaces that transcend functionality, embodying what the firm describes as “conceptual poetics” tailored to client needs and environmental context.
Cazú Zegers Architecture
Founded in 1990, Cazú Zegers Architecture Studio has emerged as a transformative force in contemporary architectural practice, distinguished by its profound commitment to creating architecture that intimately dialogues with landscape and cultural context. Led by Cazú Zegers, an architect trained at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), the studio has developed a unique architectural language that seamlessly integrates built form with the Chilean and Latin American territories.
JKMM Architects
JKMM建筑事务所成立于1998年的芬兰,已发展成为北欧地区最具影响力的建筑设计机构之一,以其整体设计方法和对社会责任的承诺而闻名。在创始合伙人Asmo Jaaksi的领导下,这家总部位于赫尔辛基的工作室现已拥有近100名设计师,他们共同致力于创造促进社会福祉的建筑作品。
JKMM Architects, established in 1998 in Finland, has emerged as one of the Nordic region's most influential architectural practices, renowned for their holistic approach to design and commitment to social responsibility. Led by founding partner Asmo Jaaksi, the Helsinki-based studio has grown to encompass nearly 100 designers who share a common vision of creating architecture that fosters societal well-being.
Unknown Surface Studio
Unknown Surface Studio成立于2020年,是一家在亚太地区迅速崭露头角的创新建筑事务所。由各具设计专长的三人组合:Cievanard Nattabowonphal、Piyanat Songkhroh和Nonglak Boonsaeng共同创立,事务所通过其参数化设计方法和生物形态建筑语言在当代设计领域确立了独特地位。
Unknown Surface Studio, established in 2020, is an innovative architectural practice that has rapidly emerged as a significant force in contemporary design, particularly within the Asia-Pacific region. Founded by the visionary trio of Cievanard Nattabowonphal, Piyanat Songkhroh, and Nonglak Boonsaeng, the firm has distinguished itself through its parametric design approach and biomorphic architectural language.
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2024 伦敦设计奖
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WAF 2024 世界建筑节 | 展览活动 | 开始日期:2024-11-6 | |
| 设计竞赛 | 截止日期:2024-8-20 | |
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2024 首尔设计奖 | 设计竞赛 | 截止日期:2024-5-28 |
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